Well everyone I'm back after more than a year hiatus! 2011 has been full of change for our family and it's only July :) I hope the last half of the year slows down.
For starters Steve got a new job back in March. He works at Fidelity and loves it so far. It hasn't been a walk in the park though that's for sure. The interview is a grueling process so he was lucky to get hired. After that he had five weeks to study for his series 7 exam which is a six hour test. 70% is passing but if you get a 60% you can retake it. If you don't pass the second time then SEE YA, they let you go. Steve was under a ton of stress and had study classes all day at work and then literally had to study until 11pm at night just to keep up. After the series 7 you then have to pass the series 63. Anyway he passed both thank goodness and is in post license training. I'm so proud of him!
I made a big change as well. I left R.C. Willey after working there for almost 8 years and haven't looked back!! I work at a mortgage company with a really good friend from high school and I really enjoy it. Not to mention I get casual Fridays!!
June was our health issue month in the family. Steve had nose surgery to correct his deviated septum and two fractures. I had two minor surgeries of my own but it's over and hopefully we all stay healthy!
Katelyn is getting so big and cuter by the minute. She talks just like a little grown up and knows all her colors, most of her shapes, her ABC's and can count to 30! I think that is pretty dang good for being only 2 1/2! She keeps me laughing every day and leaves me utterly exhausted by bedtime. It's hard to juggle life sometimes but I love being her mommy!
Well this post is super long but my goal is to keep it updated. I have to admit though I'm a little overwhelmed at all the cute blogs out there. I'm inexperienced so I've tended to shy away. I feel like those old people that shy away from technology and refuse to be one of them haha.
More to hopefully come soon!